Fadl Shaker » Saharni El Shou

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Ya Hayet El Rouh
Ya Hayet El Rouh:

ya 7ayat el roo7
alby ma daa2 el noum wala youm wala 7alo erta7
ra7 tensah aw tehwana aw tel2ani kolly gerah
ya msaharny layaly w enta 3ala baly

ana 3omry ma neseetak
ana ma sada2t l2etak
w btes2aal law habetak wana dayeb feek
shayefny galyak dayeb
w gayeblak alby w gayeb
roohy w nasy el 7abeyeb
w be 3omry shareek

ya 7ayat el roo7
alby ma daa2 el noum wala youm wala 7alo erta7
ra7 tensah aw tehwana aw tel2ani kolly gerah
ya msaharny layaly w enta 3ala baly

hat eedak to7don eedy
shouf hobak gowwa wareedy
2aarabt a2ool ya seedy ra7 amoot fe hawak
mesh 3ayzak teb3eed 3any
wala 3ayez afdal mestany
dana menak w enta meni w hayaty ma3aak

ya 7ayat el roo7
alby ma daa2 el noum wala youm wala 7alo erta7
ra7 tensah aw tehwana aw tel2ani kolly gerah
ya msaharny layaly w enta 3ala baly


oh you life of my soul
my heart hasn't slept and never rested
you're going to forget or love me or find me broken
you keep me up all through the nights thinking of you

I've never forgotten you
I've found you hardly
and you're asking me if I love you while I'm so into you
you see me coming to you full of love
bringing you my heart and
my soul and I forgot about the other people I love
and I'd buy you with my soul

oh you life of my soul
my heart hasn't slept and never rested
you're going to forget or love me or find me broken
you keep me up all through the nights thinking of you

let your hands hold mine
see your love in my vein
I'm almost going to say "my master I'll die in your love"
I don't want you to go away from me
and I don't want to wait
I'm for you and you're for me and my life is with you

oh you life of my soul
my heart hasn't slept and never rested
you're going to forget or love me or find me broken
you keep me up all through the nights thinking of you

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